
Jennifer Galvin-Anderson, MA
Holistic Life Consulting, Healing Ministry, Angel Card Readings,
Energy Healing, Raindrop Technique, Spiritual Anointing & Emotional Release



Young Living Essential Oils first made their way into my life during my journey through cancer in 1997. A friend of my mom’s introduced us to the oils and my family started incorporating a few into our lifestyle. At the time, I didn’t think much of it, but was blessed to get through my cancer experience with minimal health impairments. I actually never once got sick from the chemotherapy, which I contribute to the holistic/integrative approach my family took at that time. I then went onto college and independent living and drifted away from the oils, until later in my life – 15 years later! Once I started Living Well Energy Healing, I began to attend various expo events and at one of those events, I ended up being next to a woman selling the Young Living Oils. We got to talking and I shared with her my experience with the oils and then realized it would be great to start using them again, AND even more so start incorporating them into my Healing practice! Duh! Shortly after, I started receiving dreams and meditation messages about anointing the sick. That then led me to the Raindrop Technique training and then the Spiritual Raindrop and Emotional Release. It has been a blessed journey ever since, not only personally in my life, but also getting to see and hear about the experiences my clients, family and friends are having as a result of the oils is amazing! I absolutely love Young Living oils and having the opportunity to share them with others! I continue to thank God for leading me through this spiritual calling and vocational journey!
In addition to providing the Living Well sessions with Young Living oils, I also am a distributor and am able to sell the oils to you if you desire to take some home with you!

Please check out the resources below that provide great easy-to-read information that explains the Young Living Oils further and the opportunity to save money on Young Living Essential Oils if you desire!
Otherwise, if you would like to browse Young Living Essential Oils or order Oils/Products at anytime,
click here to get to my Young Living website.

Please contact me before you order anything from my website, as I can help you save more $ before you make your decision! Thank you!

Oil Parties are an awesome way to learn more about Young Living Essential Oils and get to experience them firsthand! I travel and am happy to share info with groups as small as 4 to groups as large as 20 or more. I love sharing my story and passion for the oils! Guests who provide Essential Oil Info Parties receive a FREE Raindrop Session from me!


A Tale of two


This is the best option to get started with Young Living Essential Oils! You get 10 Oils PLUS StressAway Essential Oil, PLUS A DIFFUSER and Many other samples to experiment with! PLUS you receive 24% OFF all future orders and cheaper shipping! If you want to get started with your Essential Oil Journey, contact me today!

The Everyday Oils Kit is available as a Start Living (Distributor Membership) Kit for $150. (Item No. 3700) (This kit includes both the Start Living Kit and the Everyday Oils Kit.)  By purchasing this kit, you will qualify for wholesale prices on all future orders, saving 24% of of the retail price. You will also have the option of participating in Young Living’s business opportunity if you choose.
The Everyday Oils Kit is also available for purchase by any Retail Customers:
Item No. 3695    Retail Price $151.32

The Everyday Oils Kit is the perfect way to start using and benefiting from Young Living’s most popular and often used oils. Once you experience these natural alternatives and their many daily uses, you’ll wonder how you ever survived without your Everyday Oils!
Frankincense Oil:
* Sweet warm balsamic aroma
* Stimulates and elevates the mind
* Helps overcome stress and despair
* May repair DNA damage
Lavender Oil:
* Fresh, sweet floral aroma
* Cleanses minor cuts and bruises
* Highly regarded for skin
* Helps body adapt to stress
Lemon Oil:
* Strong, purifying, citrus scent
* Revitalizes and uplifts
* Powerful antioxidant action
* Supports nervous system
Peppermint Oil:
* For soothing digestion
* Supports liver & respiratory system
* Improves taste and smell
* Triggers sensation of fullness
Peace & Calming:
* Calms tensions and uplifts spirit
* Promotes relaxation and deep peace
* Comforting to overactive children
* Soothes insect bites, cuts and scrapes
* Helps purify air impurities
* Topical or aromatic use
* Soothing to skin
* Provides comfort to muscles
* For aromatic or topical use
* 99.96% effective against airborne bacteria
* Supports immune system
* Dietary, topical or aromatic uses
* Increases feelings of strength and courage
* Helps with fears, anxieties, stage fright
* Supports energy alignment of body

Young Living Links:
For a free Young Living User’s Guide, click here
For a free Young Living Product Guide, click here
For more information on saving $ with Young Living’s Essential Rewards, and receiving
FREE oils each month, click here
Further info
If you are interested in creating further Abundance through Young Living, click here

If you decide to sign up online, please let them know of my Distributor #: 1215048  Thank you!
If you are interested in hosting a Young Living info party or you would just like more information on Young Living Oils, please contact me!

Inspiration Empowerment Healing Balance Wholeness